4.Nc3 The Shirov variation, one of the sharpest options against the Caro Kann. Though classical theory frowns upon premature wing attacks, modern praxis shows g4 being played commonly at the opening stage itself.
12...Qb6 With hindsight, I might have tried Qa5 or Qc7.
13.Na4 N 13.O-O Qxb2 14.Na4 Qa3 15.c3 b5 1-0 was Kupsys, Alfonsas (2577) - Stankevicius, Lionginas (LTU) (2432) / EM/CL/Q04-2, ICCF Email 2002. Na4 does not seem to be in the spirit of this line, which is to go for an all out attack on the Black king.
16.b3 If White has nothing better than this pawn move, Black has nothing to be afraid of.
It was not without some trepidation that I received the move 25 Nxg7
After 28.h5, my opponent offered a draw which was accepted.
SIM Szczepanski, Zbigniew continues to lead the tournament with 6.5 points, http://www.iccf-webchess.com/EventCrossTable.aspx?id=22830.