Draw against Szczepanski, Zbigniew of Poland http://www.iccf-webchess.com/MakeAMove.aspx?id=297389. He is 53 years old, and works in his own management consultancy firm.
7.g4 As against SIM Sivic in the same tournament, and as mentioned in my post above, I employed the Shabalov / Shirov attack. Instead of 10...Nf8, Sivic continued 10...Nf6.
14...Nh4 14...Bd7 15.e4 Nf4 16.e5 Qh4 17.Rg3 Nxe2+ 18.Nxe2 Bf8 19.Rdg1 dxc4 20.Qxc4 O-O-O {1/2-1/2(33) Enricci, Juan Andrés (2407) - Cardelli, Gabriel (2443) / WCCC28CT06 (?), ICCF 2008}
17.e4 Novelty? http://www.chessok.com/?page_id=352 gives 17.cxd5 exd5 18.e4 Be6 19.exd5 cxd5 1-0, Computer "Zappa Zanzibar" - Computer "Scorpio", Leiden (Netherlands), 2007
17...dxc4 This move was accompanied by a draw offer, which I declined
36...b3!! I had analyzed 36...c3 for several weeks, only to conclude that White had nothing better than a draw, even though he remained a piece up. But I had hardly analyzed 36...b3. So when I received this move, I was shocked. I thought my opponent had blundered. Engines were showing high scores for White. But slowly, I realized that though I had a series of checks, they never led to mate. Anyway, I continued playing, hoping that a win will materialize somewhere. Perhaps somebody can show me a win?

39...Kb6! The move that engines miss.
45.Qd8 Finally, I offered the draw, which was accepted by my opponent.
SIM Korze, Dr. Danilo continues to lead the tournament with 7.5 points, http://www.iccf-webchess.com/EventCrossTable.aspx?id=22830 :

7.g4 As against SIM Sivic in the same tournament, and as mentioned in my post above, I employed the Shabalov / Shirov attack. Instead of 10...Nf8, Sivic continued 10...Nf6.
14...Nh4 14...Bd7 15.e4 Nf4 16.e5 Qh4 17.Rg3 Nxe2+ 18.Nxe2 Bf8 19.Rdg1 dxc4 20.Qxc4 O-O-O {1/2-1/2(33) Enricci, Juan Andrés (2407) - Cardelli, Gabriel (2443) / WCCC28CT06 (?), ICCF 2008}
17.e4 Novelty? http://www.chessok.com/?page_id=352 gives 17.cxd5 exd5 18.e4 Be6 19.exd5 cxd5 1-0, Computer "Zappa Zanzibar" - Computer "Scorpio", Leiden (Netherlands), 2007
17...dxc4 This move was accompanied by a draw offer, which I declined
36...b3!! I had analyzed 36...c3 for several weeks, only to conclude that White had nothing better than a draw, even though he remained a piece up. But I had hardly analyzed 36...b3. So when I received this move, I was shocked. I thought my opponent had blundered. Engines were showing high scores for White. But slowly, I realized that though I had a series of checks, they never led to mate. Anyway, I continued playing, hoping that a win will materialize somewhere. Perhaps somebody can show me a win?
39...Kb6! The move that engines miss.
45.Qd8 Finally, I offered the draw, which was accepted by my opponent.
SIM Korze, Dr. Danilo continues to lead the tournament with 7.5 points, http://www.iccf-webchess.com/EventCrossTable.aspx?id=22830 :
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