Thursday, 10 November 2011

MT Sustarsic: Draw against Szczepanski, Zbigniew

Draw against Szczepanski, Zbigniew of Poland He is 53 years old, and works in his own management consultancy firm.

7.g4 As against SIM Sivic in the same tournament, and as mentioned in my post above, I employed the Shabalov / Shirov attack. Instead of 10...Nf8, Sivic continued 10...Nf6.

14...Nh4 14...Bd7 15.e4 Nf4 16.e5 Qh4 17.Rg3 Nxe2+ 18.Nxe2 Bf8 19.Rdg1 dxc4 20.Qxc4 O-O-O {1/2-1/2(33) Enricci, Juan Andrés (2407) - Cardelli, Gabriel (2443) / WCCC28CT06 (?), ICCF 2008}

17.e4 Novelty? gives 17.cxd5 exd5 18.e4 Be6 19.exd5 cxd5 1-0, Computer "Zappa Zanzibar" - Computer "Scorpio", Leiden (Netherlands), 2007

17...dxc4 This move was accompanied by a draw offer, which I declined

36...b3!! I had analyzed 36...c3 for several weeks, only to conclude that White had nothing better than a draw, even though he remained a piece up. But I had hardly analyzed 36...b3. So when I received this move, I was shocked. I thought my opponent had blundered. Engines were showing high scores for White. But slowly, I realized that though I had a series of checks, they never led to mate. Anyway, I continued playing, hoping that a win will materialize somewhere. Perhaps somebody can show me a win?

39...Kb6! The move that engines miss.

45.Qd8 Finally, I offered the draw, which was accepted by my opponent.

SIM Korze, Dr. Danilo continues to lead the tournament with 7.5 points, :

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