Friday, 27 January 2012

MT Sustarsic: Win against GM Pauwels, Christophe of Belgium

Win against GM Pauwels, Christophe of Belgium He is 38 years old, working as quality controller in an IT company in Brussels.

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.Nf3 e6 5.Be2
The positional Short variation.
5...c5 6.Be3 Qb6
Entering very sharp waters.
( 6...cxd4 7.Nxd4 Ne7 8.c4 Nbc6 9.Nc3 Nxd4 10.Bxd4 dxc4 11.Qa4+ Nc6 12.Rd1 Bd3 13.Bxd3 cxd3 14.Rxd3 Bc5 15.Ne4 Bxd4 1/2-1/2(27) Topalov, Veselin (2796) - Anand, Viswanathan (2791) / 18. Amber Blindfold (9), Nice FRA 2009)
7.Nc3 Nc6 8.O-O Qxb2 9.Nb5 c4 10.Rb1 Qxa2 N
( 10...Qxc2 11.Qxc2 Bxc2 12.Rb2 Ba4 13.Nc7+ Kd7 14.Nxa8 b5 15.Bd1 Ba3 1-0(45) Gueci, Alberto (2257) - Santana Peٌate, Guillermo (2528) / WC15/SF06 (?), ICCF 2009 )
( 10...Qxc2 11.Qxc2 Bxc2 12.Rb2 Ba4 13.Nc7+ Kd7 14.Nxa8 b5 15.Rfb1 b4 1/2-1/2(64) Pommrich, Rainer (2280) - Morley, Paul (2198) / WS/M/263 (?), ICCF 2010 )
11.Nc7+ Kd8 12.Ra1
This seems to lose a tempo.
( 12.Nxa8 seems better )
12...Qxc2 13.Qxc2 Bxc2 14.Nxa8 Nge7 15.Ra2
Now slowly Black activates his pieces, after which White has nothing to show for compensation. 
...Be4 16.Ng5 Bg6 17.h4 h5 18.Bd1 Kc8 19.Bc2 Bxc2 20.Rxc2 Nd8 21.Rb2 f6 22.Nf3 Kb8 23.Nb6 axb6 24.Rxb6 Nc8 25.Rb2 b6 26.Rfb1 Kb7 27.Bf4 Nc6 28.Re2 f5 29.Be3 Bb4 30.Kf1 Ba5 31.Ra2 Re8 32.Ne1 f4 33.Bxf4 Bc3 34.Nf3
( 34.g3 may have been necessary )
34...Nxd4 35.Nxd4 Bxd4 36.Rd1 Bc5 37.Be3 Bxe3 38.fxe3 Ne7 39.Ke1 Rf8 40.Rb2 Rf5 41.Rdb1 Nc8 42.Rf2 Rxe5 43.g4?
White gets desperate.
43...Rxe3+ 44.Re2 Rh3 45.Kd2 c3+ 46.Kc2 Ne7 47.Rb3 Nc6 48.Rd2 d4 49.gxh5 Ka6 50.Rg2 Ka5 0-1

SIM Korze, Dr. Danilo, GM Voiculescu, Costel and GM Szczepanski, Zbigniew continue to jointly lead the tournament with 8.0 points,



  1. Dhanish, it was an instructive game for carokann players. One question: which opening is the best for black against 1.d4 as well as against 1.e4 in todays webserver tournaments?

    1. Hi, Thank you for your comment. I don't think any opening can be identified as best, one has to choose based on playing style (one's own and opponents'), tournament situation, etc. A good book on the subject is: How to Build Your Chess Opening Repertoire by Steve Giddins, Gambit Publications 2003.
